Doulos Stories
Amber’s Story
She had everything lined up for a great paying teaching job right after college, then a 45-minute conversation changed EVERYTHING and she couldn’t be more grateful.
Expeditionary What?
Why the “Expeditionary Learning Model” is central to who we are as a school.
January 2025
Our Executive Director responds to a couple questions from the “Doulos Family.”
Elisabeth’s Story
A year before Elisabeth’s first day as a Doulos Teacher, she didn’t even know Doulos existed. In this interview, she shares her full story of how God brought her to Doulos.
The Story of a BIG Discovery
How God used Kristen to launch our cutting-edge Intervention Program.
Laying God’s Foundation
Learn about the 3 part foundation that needs to be solid before students can reach their full potential.
The Langenfeld’s Story
After their youngest started kindergarten, God began to invite the Langenfelds to consider His call to serve internationally as a family.
First Drafts Are Dangerous
This a tangible example of how Doulos unlocks hidden God-given talents in our students (and maybe you too).
September 2024
Go on the road with Doulos as we engage with potential staff and reconnect with long-time friends.
If you had a blank billboard...
If we were to sum up EVERYTHING Doulos is about and put it on a billboard, this is what it would (and does) say.
August 2024
As we start the new school year teachers share the highlights they've experienced so far.
The Hadley’s Story
This newlywed couple had great reasons to say “No thanks” to God’s calling - School debt, career plans, and being far from family, not to mention they didn’t even want to be missionaries.
Turning Knowledge Into Action
Discover how Doulos takes students from knowledge to action.