March 2024

The Story of a BIG Discovery

(4-Minute Read)

Kristen never really planned on working in education, but during her third week-long service trip to The Young Life Camp in Jarabacoa she knew that God was calling her to come and serve at Doulos. She was a business and computer major, but loved sports and there was a need for a PE teacher, so she jumped in. 

One day during PE she asked herself a simple little question that would change the course of her life and Doulos as a school.  

The question was, “Why do most of our students stink at jumping rope and skipping?”

That simple little question started Kristen down a powerful path of discovery. It turns out that God designed our bodies and our minds to go through specific stages of development. 

During each stage, what happens to the body directly impacts the mind, and if a stage is skipped or interrupted it not only messes with how we control and use our bodies, it also messes with how we can control and use our minds.  

For example, most babies crawl, and crawling is really important to develop the connections between the two hemispheres of the brain. In the DR, for a variety of reasons, most babies DON’T crawl, so there is not a strong connection between both sides of the brain which makes it hard to not only jump rope and skip but also to read.  

Kristen learned that there’s a simple motor skills test you can do to see if there are any missing steps. As she did this test, her mind was blown by two things - first how many of our students struggled to do the test, and second how the majority of the students who struggled with the motor skills test also struggled academically or behaviorally in the classroom.   

Praise the Lord, Kristen discovered the missing piece! For years and years Doulos teachers had worked so hard to help students reach their full potential, the students really tried to do their best, but there was always something in the way, an invisible wall they kept hitting against. Now they saw it very clearly - without the foundational motor/neurostimulation, the brain simply won’t have the wiring needed to do more complex tasks like reading, critical thinking, and impulse control. 

And then… COVID hit. 
Kristen used the time to get certified by Ready Bodies Learning Minds, an organization that specializes in helping students develop a strong moto/neuro foundation so they can reach their full potential.  She also was so inspired that she started working on a Master's in Special Education.

As we started to come out of COVID Kristen and some colleagues took some basic equipment and went to the homes of a couple of students. They could really see the benefits that came from these simple interventions. The results were so inspiring that Kristen and others fundraised to create a “Motor Lab” here on campus. 

The team started with ALL of the younger students and some older students who showed specific needs. A normal Motor Lab session is surprisingly simple. The students come in, and do a handful of really fun games and physical activities - jumping on a trampoline, spinning in a circle, walking on coffee cans, and that’s it. The incredible part is that by doing this they are laying the neuro foundation they may not have gotten from birth to the 3 years of life, but will desperately need to do the demanding work they’ll do here at Doulos and beyond. 

Now, 5 years later, Kristen has her Master’s and thanks to a dedicated team intervention continues to adapt and thrive at Doulos. The first group of Pre-K students who did Motor Lab regularly are now in 2nd grade. Kristen and the teachers report that there is a profound difference in the amount of academic and behavioral intervention needed by the class compared to 5 years ago. The Motor Lab is now woven into the weekly rhythm of pre-k through elementary. The goal is to start young so they are not playing catchup but rather hitting each development stage as they come.

It is so inspiring to see God continue to develop His work here. We plan to continue to ask simple questions, listen to the Lord, do our homework, and stay focused on our goal of helping our students reach their full potential in Christ so they can impact their communities for His glory.

November's Highlights

Medical Mission

We were so proud of the doulos students who served tirelessly on a one-week medical mission trip to lesser resourced part of the island.

Interactive Learning

From Bee Adventures to visiting experts, there was a lot of deep learning going on this month.

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Special chapels, family worship night, and in-class science experiments with a Gospel message made Spiritual Emphasis Week a big highlight

Holy Week

After digging deep and doing great work in March we enjoyed a much-needed spring break to rest, have family come visit, and re-charge.

How can you impact these numbers?  

For $75 a month...
Provide the second half of a "partial sponsorship" for one of the 34 students. OR provide the first half of a "partial sponsorship" for one of the 11 students who have no sponsor at all. 

For $150 a month...
Provide a "full sponsorship" for one of the 11 students who have no sponsor at all. 

Click here to learn more and see the specific students in need of sponsorship.

Please join us in praying for...

Recruitment - We still have a couple of critical roles open for next year. We are especially praying for the next Executive Director and a Middle School Science teacher. Click here to see specific open positions and pray over each one. 

Doulos Projects - In April the seniors will be presenting their capstone projects. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide their reflection and preparation causing all that’s been investing in them to take root.

Athletics - We continue to send teams to compete at various events in and outside of Jarabacoa. Please pray for the Lord to use these experiences to grow the students in his likeness and spread his Gospel.

Counseling - Our students experience the full range of struggles and trauma that this world can bring. Please pray that the Lord continues to give our counseling team the wisdom and power to guide and help our students heal. 


Data On A Mission


February 2024